Certified Professional Coach

Step 2: Become independent

As certified New Code NLP Practitioner trough ITANLP (International Trainers Academy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming), participants will strengthen their coaching skills with the New Code, learn systematic self-coaching (self-application) as well as the fundamentals of coaching practice.

Language: French, English, Italian

Public cible: Certified New Code NLP Practitioner

Schedule: from 10am to 6pm

Number of participants: 6 maximum on selection

Duration: 14 days in residential + 1 day of certification

Price: 9’750 CHF*

* The price includes participation to the course of 8’750.– CHF and the certification of 1’000.– CHF.

This price is intended for individuals and the training takes place in our premises at Chemin du Muveran 4, 1012 Lausanne.

Who can take this course?

Anyone who has successfully passed the first step, namely the “Certified Practitioner in the New Code of NLP” within our Academy.

Anyone who has received the “Certified Practitioner in the New Code of NLP” from Michael Carroll, director of the “NLP Academy” in England.

Anyone who has received the certification of “Certified Practitioner in the New Code of NLP” by an Institute recognized by the International Trainers & Coaching Academy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ITCANLP).

Become a coach in 2 steps

Discover, below, our training courses to become an accomplished coach.

Step 1: Discover the basics

Certified Practitioner in the original NLP

Step 2: Become independent

Certified Professional Coach

Go further: Work with us

Partner Coach